WeRehearse is a better video chat built specifically for actors.

We help you to connect with other actors to learn lines and run through your scripts
with easy sharing of sides right in the video window.

No rehearsal partner at late notice? Search our database of readers.
Becoming a reader is easy. Earn tips and make money whilst improving your own craft.

WeRehearse is a better video chat built specifically for actors.

We help you to connect with other actors to learn lines and run through your scripts
with easy sharing of sides right in the video window.

No rehearsal partner at late notice? Search our database of readers.
Becoming a reader is easy. Earn tips and make money whilst improving your own craft.



Deals for Actors consists of a small group of people living in Los Angeles, CA. To ensure that you get the best deal possible, we do not accept any finders fees, affiliate fees, or any other profit for that matter.

This website's purpose is aggregating all the deals dedicated to the world of acting, modelling and performing. If you'd like to help out with this project, you can always reach us at