Headshot Retouching Services


Save 20% off
May 1st
Coupon Code: iadb
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A good photographer can make you look good. A good retouching can make you look great. Your headshot is an extension of yourself -- and often the first thing seen by casting directors and decision-makers -- why wouldn't you want to look your best?

Often, low quality retouching is overdone and noticeable. If done well, subtle adjustments to capture you at your best will leave the viewer unaware that anything has been retouched. And if done to our standards, will leave the viewer subconsciously sensing that you look more relaxed, more energized and more put-together.

Maintaining such a high level of quality is at the heart of our core values. We hand-pick our professional digital artists, vetting each one personally. Unlike some of our competitors, we never outsource our work to bargain-rate retouchers.

Our keen eye for natural-looking retouching stems from the experience and taste of our company's founders: a leading digital artist who's done portrait and headshot retouching for celebrities and business moguls, and a casting director who's spent years reviewing tens of thousands of headshots while casting Emmy Award-winning television series. If anyone knows what makes a great retouching job and how to do it, it's us.



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